Greeks – fundamental astrology

Greek astrology is often, and more properly, referred to as Hellenistic astrology. It actually originated in Egypt at some point after the conquest by Alexander the Great and the beginning of the Christian era. Hellenistic astrology also comprises Byzantine and Roman astrology. It’s therefore more a reference to the general geographic area and an era in history, rather than to one particular society or culture.

While Hellenistic astrology can’t be linked to any one individual or culture, it is the root of all modern, or Western astrology. There are numerous documents written in Greek, although some are written in Latin, that are devoted to natal astrology. This is the branch of astrology that concerns the individual. Part of the reason that it’s difficult to source these documents to any one individual or culture is that they span a period of time of about 800 years.

But that doesn’t mean that important Greek philosophers and scientists haven’t been part of the development of astrology. Hippocrates used astrological interpretations as part of his medical diagnostic system. Pythagoras studied in Egypt, and while nothing in writing exists of Pythagoras’ theories, he is attributed with stating that the Earth, Planets and fixed stars revolved around the sun, thousands of years before Galileo! Later though, his theory was refuted by Aristotle who declared that the Earth was the centre of the world.

Following Alexander’s conquest of Mesopotamia, Greek astrology began to take on a more personal approach. The Zodiac and planets being made to correspond to figures from their mythology; the Stoic philosophers are especially receptive to astrology. Greek astrology influences the metaphysical astrology of India. In approximately 70 BCE, the Greeks devised the first personal horoscope based on time of birth and in 30 BCE, the Emperor Augustus had his horoscope charted and interpreted by Thrasyllus.

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If you were born in the year 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 or 2003 then you are a Goat. You’re elegant and creative, somewhat timid and prefer anonymity. You are most compatible with Pigs and Rabbits, but don’t mix it up with the Ox.

Goats tend to have a hard time with romance; anyone who couples up with a Goat must know, this Sign has a sensitive streak a mile wide and can be subject to bouts of anxiety over seemingly inconsequential things. Goats need plenty of love, support and open reassurance from their lovers. If a relationship is marked by conflict, the Goat will often pull away -- either physically or simply by retreating into the safe haven of its imagination.

If the romance is going well, however, Goats won't hesitate to tell their partner what they need -- and they can be quite insistent about it. This Sign will definitely return the favor, however; the Goat has a luxurious side that delights in indulging a lover's every wish. Appearances are also important to the Goat, which may explain why these folks can spend hours primping and posing.

Goats are generally most comfortable in their own minds (which other, more linear-thinking Signs may have trouble deciphering). This Sign makes a great craftsperson or artisan, or perhaps a teacher of New Age studies -- any occupation that allows its mind the full range of freedom. Goats tend not to be very well-organized, precluding many more dry business endeavors. In fact, Goats tend not to be very materialistic in general, finding plenty of riches in their own imagination. However, especially when in love, the Goat can be quite a lavish gift-giver.

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Know any Twins. Then imagine they’re one person and you’ll have an idea of what makes up the personality of a person born under the sign of Gemini (May 22 – June 21). Geminis can be contradictory, people with dualities to their nature that can perplex their friends, families and lovers. They love versatility and change, but can be flighty and mutable to create interest in their lives. They don’t like routine. Decision making can be difficult for them and they can often change their minds.

In the Zodiac Great Year, the Age of Gemini occurred from about 6450-4300 BCE. It was a time when writing and accounting systems were developed and humans were beginning to trade with one another.

Geminis are kind, affectionate and generous, so long as this doesn’t impact their own lives and comfort systems too much. They have a strong intellect and love mental challenges. They catch on to new ideas quickly. They have an analytical side and can see both sides to an issue.

If you’re a Gemini, you have some interesting company in your birth sign. Some of the famous Geminis include President John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, Henry Kissinger, Joe Namath and Paul McCartney. Many members of royal families were born under the sign of Gemini, too. Queen Victoria, King George V and Prince William, all of England, were or are Geminis.

Boredom is a big issue for Geminis and they can get into trouble looking for some excitement. But they’re very creative and active and should have outlets for all this energy like artistic projects or exercise or vigorous sports like racquetball. Because they’re always looking for new and interesting experiences, they can tend to overindulge in food or drink or night life and club-hopping. Geminis need to remember to pace themselves or they could risk burning themselves out too early in life.

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