Astrology, medicine, astronomy

But are we right. Who is anyone to say that man, with his limited brain, can truly comprehend the workings of the universe, or how he fits within it. Western civilization is predicated on conquering, not understanding. But it wasn’t always so.
Astrology is one of the most important historical contexts in which astronomy developed. The Babylonians carefully assembled tablets of the position of Venus, as it was believed to denote omens for weather, war, famine, diseases, rulers and kingdoms. Claudius Ptolemy composed the Tetrabiblos, believing that astrology could be placed on a rational footing, despite being a conjectural art like medicine. In practice, belief in astrology meant that horoscopes were cast for new-born children, prospective spouses and political enemies, public buildings were opened and marriage and other ceremonies conducted on auspicious days. Numerous records of astrological practice can be found from the Roman times and physicians routinely consulted astrological charts as part of the diagnostic process.
For instance, every sign of the zodiac was considered to rule a part of the human body: the Sagittarius ruled the thighs, Pisces the feet, and so on. When the moon was in the zodiac ruling a particular part of the body, bloodletting from that part was to be avoided, since the attraction of the moon might cause excessive bleeding. Numerous medical manuscripts and almanacs include the figure of the 'zodiac man' as a reminder of the specific influence of the moon. In addition, the power of the moon's pulling power varied by its phases, and thus almanacs usually showed the phases of the moon.
What you say is undoubtedly true. The Zodiacal Man is known as Kala Purusha or Time Eternal in Vedic Astrology. The ancient doctors of Ayurveda used to treat patients based on the horoscope. My father had Libra rising, with Jupiter in Libra and Saturn in Aries. He was suffering from arthritis, a yoga mentioned in the astro texts. How true is Medical Astrology
G Kumar
Thank you for your comment and what you say is indeed true. The ancients knew the powers that universal motion generate and how to diagnose and cure accordingly. Unfortunately most modern medicine has lost touch with how they can work hand in hand with nature to "cure" patients and not just suppress their symptoms. Modern society has lost touch with their feelings and instead of looking to the technological future for remedies maybe it's time to also look back at the teachings of our forefathers.
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